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- This is the StarTrek VOYAGER Episode Guide compiled by Kei Of Carnage.
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- ]------------------| STARTREK VOYAGER EPISODE GUIDE |------------------[
- Starring:
- Kate Mulgrew as Captain Kathryn Janeway
- Robert Beltran as Chakotay
- Roxann Biggs-Dawson as B'Elanna Torres
- Jennifer Lien as Kes
- Robert Duncan McNeill as Lt. Tom Paris
- Robert Picardo as the Doctor
- Ethan Phillips as Neelix
- Tim Russ as Tuvok
- Garrett Wang as Harry Kim
- ]-------------------------| VOYAGER SEASON 1 |-------------------------[
- Caretaker (Premier Episode)
- Parallax
- The Starship Voyager encounters a quantum singularity and what appears to be
- another ship in jeopardy. In their attempt to rescue the vessel, the crew
- comes to realize that it is they who are trapped, and the race begins
- to free themselves before the ship is destroyed.
- Time and Again
- The Starship Voyager experiences a shock wave in space, a wave set off by a
- huge explosion on a nearby planet. When they beam down to investigate, the
- away team discovers all life has been eradicated. In addition, they discover
- subspace fractures which ultimately transport Captain Janeway and Lt. Paris
- back in time to right before the explosion. They must discover a way to
- avert the catastrophe to save their lives.
- Phage
- In their continuing search for a source of dilithium crystals that could be
- used to supplement the Voyager's power core, the crew of the Starship come
- upon a planet that seems replete with the substance. Upon closer
- examination, they find that the place is really a base for a strange alien
- culture that must steal bodily organs to fight the "phage," a disease that
- eats away at their bodies and destroys their organs. Neelix (Ethan Phillips)
- falls prey to them, and the race is on to save his life.
- The Cloud
- While investigating what they believe to be a nebula in search of fuel, the
- crew of Voyager discovers that they have in fact entered and injured a new
- life form, which they must help heal as they try to escape.
- Eye of the Needle
- The Voyager crew becomes hopeful when they encounter a small wormhole
- through which they communicate with a cargo vessel on the other side...
- in the Alpha Quadrant.
- Ex Post Facto
- Upon visiting a world in the midst of a war with a neighboring planet,
- Lt. Tom Paris finds himself accused of a murder he didn't commit... his
- sentence -- to relive the crime from the victim's point-of-view every 14
- hours for the rest of his life. It is up to Tuvok to prove his innocence by
- using the Vulcan Mind-Meld before his sentence destroys his sanity.
- Emanations
- While exploring an uncharted planet, the crew stumbles on the burial ground
- of the alien race Vhnori. During an investigation of the bodies, Harry Kim
- is caught up in a subspace vacuole and is transported to the alien
- culture's homeworld.
- His presence there causes many to doubt their traditional belief in the
- afterlife, and Kim soon realizes that the only way he can return home is the
- same way he came... through the Vhnori's death stations. Kim places his life
- in the hands of fate, trusting that the crew of the Voyager will be able to
- revive him upon his return.
- Prime Factors
- The crew of Voyager encounters alien beings known as the Sikarians - a race
- renowned for their incredible hospitality. When it becomes known that the
- Sikarians have the technology to "fold" space and travel more than 40,000
- light years in an instant, the Voyager crew think they've found their way
- home. But the hospitality of the Sikarians is not all it seems on the
- surface, and both races' code of ethics is put to the test.
- State of Flux
- While on a routine exploration of a new planet, Voyager responds to the
- distress call of a Kazon warship. Upon investigation, they find the Kazon
- ship hobbled by an accident caused by Federation technology... a clear
- signal that Voyager may be carrying a traitor.
- Heroes and Demons
- The ship's holographic Doctor must overcome his computer-programmed
- limitations when the ship's Holodeck is taken over by an alien lifeform
- that transforms living crew members into pure energy. As the only Voyager
- crew member able to face this alien being, the Doctor must explore the limits
- of his programmed behavior and reach beyond them to save the crew from a
- fate worse than death.
- Cathexis
- Both Tuvok and Chakotay return from a routine expedition injured -- Tuvok
- with minor ailments and Chakotay greviously injured. During an encounter
- with a black nebula, Chakotay's neural energy was depleted; unless it is
- returned, Chakotay will be doomed to a life as a brain-dead host. While
- trying to return to the nebula, the crew of Voyager discovers that an alien
- presence is aboard and able to control their efforts.
- Faces
- B'Elanna Torres and Lt. Tom Paris are abducted by the alien race who suffer
- from the Phage. During an experiment, B'Elanna is literally split into two
- separate beings -- one fully Klingon, the other fully human -- by Sulan, a
- Vidiian Soldality scientist in search of a cure for the deadly disease. Her
- two selves must learn to work together in order to escape the alien
- laboratory and rescue Lt. Paris.
- Jetrel
- Neelix is confronted by Haakonian scientist Ma'bor Jetrel, the man
- responsible for creating the Metreon Cascade, a device that was used to
- annihilate a major portion of the Talaxian race, including Neelix' own
- family.
- Jetrel is allowed to board Voyager when he asserts that Neelix will soon
- fall ill from long-term effects of the Metreon Cascade device. Tempers
- flare between the two, with Neelix instantly distrusting the man who
- murdered his loved ones. Ultimately, Neelix must discover Jetrel's true
- motive for being on board Voyager before it is too late.
- Learning Curves
- When several former Maquis crew members break Federation rules, it is up to
- Tuvok to train them in the finer points of Starfleet protocol and
- discipline in order to reestablish harmony among Voyager's crew.
- Simultaneously, a strange virus invades the ship's bio-neural circuitry,
- endangering the lives of all aboard. As B'Elanna Torres and the Doctor try
- to discover a cure, Tuvok and his unlikely "cadets" become trapped in an
- unstable part of the ship. As one of them lies near death, Starfleet tenets
- are put to the test.
- ]-------------------------| VOYAGER SEASON 2 |-------------------------[
- The 37's
- After atmospheric disturbances force the crew to land the Starship Voyager
- on a mysterious planet, Captain Janeway leads an away team in search of the
- source of the centuries-old distress signal detected by the ship's sensors.
- They discover the source of the SOS to be an old Earth aircraft. Upon
- further investigation, the team finds a massive chamber containing eight
- earthlings in cryogenic units, one of which is Amelia Earhart (Sharon
- Lawrence). After releasing them from suspended animation, the U.S.S.
- Voyager crew comes under attack when a group of the planet's inhabitants
- mistakes them for members of the Briori -- an alien race which abducted
- more than 300 people from Earth in 1937 and brought them this planet as
- slaves. It's learned that over time, the slaves revolted and killed the
- aliens. The eight surviving "37's" became part of the planet's history and
- the cryogenic chamber was their shrine. Since then, the descendants of the
- original 300 cultivated the planet and created a home much like Earth. The
- crew of the U.S.S. Voyager is invited to stay, and Janeway must face her
- greatest challenge as she allows each crewmember the personal choice to
- stay behind and begin a life among these kindred Humans.
- Initiations
- When First Officer Chakotay borrows a Shuttlecraft to perform the Pakra, a
- solitary Indian ritual commemorating his father's death, he inadvertently
- drifts into Kazon-Ogla territory and becomes the target of a Kazon youth
- attempting to earn his Ogla warrior name by killing the Federation enemy.
- Projections
- The Doctor receives information that Voyager has suffered a massive Kazon
- attack and that most of the crew has abandoned ship, so he ventures from
- Sickbay, via remote holo-projection system, to aid those still on board.
- Elogium
- Aggresive space-dwelling lifeforms attach themselves to the Starship,
- creating an electrophoretic field. The occurence increases Kes' metabolic
- activity and accelerates her reproductive process, causing her to
- prematurely enter the elogium - the time of life when Ocampa bodies become
- fertile. However, the elogium occurs only once, so if Kes is ever going to
- have a child, it must be immediately.
- Non Sequitur
- Ensign Harry Kim is confused when he awakens to find himself on Earth -- in
- 24th century San Francisco -- working as a design specialist at Starfleet
- Engineering and engaged to be married to Libby. Accessing Starfleet service
- records, he mysteriously finds that he was never assigned to the U.S.S.
- Voyager.
- Twisted
- A spatial distortion phenomenon occurs not only in space but inside the
- ship as well, changing Voyager's structural layout and completely disabling
- it. As Voyager is compressed and twisted by this unknown anomaly, the crew
- must work frantically to stop it.
- Parturition
- When Kes spends free time with a smitten Tom Paris, Neelix is overcome with
- jealousy and instigates a messy fight with the Lieutenant. In the
- aftermath, the Captain sends the sparring pair on a shuttlecraft mission to
- an M-Class planet, to replenish food supplies. When their craft experiences
- an interference pattern, they crash on the planet's surface.
- Persistence of Vision
- As they ready for a first encounter with the Bothan alien species, a
- strange psionic field causes the U.S.S. Voyager crew to succumb to a
- delusional state and their most deeply buried thoughts surface. During this
- ordeal, the characters in Janeway's holonovel program become real, and her
- beloved Mark appears; Paris faces off with his disparaging father, the
- Admiral; Kim is finally reunited with his girlfriend, Libby; Tuvok talks to
- his Vulcan wife, T'Pel; and Torres is seduced by Chakotay. The ship is
- effectively disabled and it's up to an unaffected Kes and The Doctor to
- block the mysterious field.
- Tattoo
- While Chakotay leads an Away Team to drill for minerals on a moon's
- surface, they accidentally disturb a village and encounter its defensive
- inhabitants -- a group with Indian origins. A regretful Chakotay then
- experiences flashbacks of himself as a defiant 15-year-old who disappoints
- his father by not embracing the traditions of his tribe.
- Cold Fire
- The crew is hailed by Ocampa colonists on an alien space station who, at
- long last, lead them to the female mate of The Caretaker, a mysterious
- being who may have the ability to send them home. As Tuvok tutors Kes in
- honing her rapidly maturing mental abilities, it's concluded that her
- burgeoning powers have been extremely underestimated.
- Maneuvers
- Kazon intruders board the U.S.S. Voyager and steal a Transporter control
- module. That collateral enables their leader, Culluh, to persuade rival
- sects to join together to conquer the Federation ship. Surprisingly, the
- mastermind behind the Kazon's scheme is an advisor with Cardassian, Maquis,
- and Starfleet tactical experience -- none other than Seska, the despised
- traitor and former intimate of Chakotay.
- Resistance
- In search of precious tellerium needed to power the ship, Janeway, Tuvok,
- Torres and Neelix transport to an Alsaurian city occupied by the hostile
- Mokra. Tipped off to the U.S.S. Voyager crew's presence, Mokra soldiers
- capture Tuvok and Torres. During the commotion, Janeway is secreted away by
- Caylem, a local eccentric who believes she is his long lost daughter.
- Prototype
- When the crew finds a deactivated humanoid robot with an unfamiliar power
- source floating in space, Chief Engineer B'Elanna Torres is able to repair
- this mysterious mechanical "man." When it comes to "life," the sentient
- artificial lifeform, Automated Unit 3947, explains that its kind is near
- extinction and asks Torres to build a prototype for the construction of
- more units. In accordance with the Prime Directive, Torres must decline the
- request, but when 3947's Pralor homeship is located, the robot abducts her
- and threatens to destroy Voyager unless she constructs the prototype.
- Alliances
- After Voyager is severely attacked by Kazon and one of its crewmen killed,
- Chakotay appeals to Janeway to start thinking more like the Maquis. Janeway
- knows she must strengthen Voyager's position in the quadrant and, although
- it's a difficult decision and is against her beliefs and training, she
- agrees to take steps toward a strategic alliance with leaders of several
- Kazon factions. When they come together for a conference, it's eminently
- clear that there are no rules in this region of space.
- Threshold
- Lieutenant Paris makes history by becoming the first person to make a
- transwarp flight. But, soon after his shuttle returns from Warp Ten, he
- undergoes startling biochemistry changes. His cell membranes begin to
- degrade and, despite the Doctor's best efforts, Paris dies. Hours after the
- pronouncement of death, Paris is discovered breathing, his body going
- through accelerated mutations which leave him radically transformed into a
- bizarre and terrifying cross between a human and amphibian.
- Meld
- When a crew member is murdered, Tuvok's investigation leads to another
- crewman, Ensign Suder, who finally admits he is the perpetrator. Vulcan
- instincts prohibit Tuvok from determining a logical motive for committing
- such a crime, so he attempts to understand the violent impulses of a
- criminal by performing a mind-meld on Suder -- with deadly results.
- Dreadnought
- The U.S.S. Voyager crew spots a Cardassian designed, self-guided missile
- carrying a warhead capable of significant destructive force. As it travels
- towards Rakosan, a heavily populated planet, Torres reports that she is
- partly responsible for its virtually unstoppable status. When she was a
- Maquis, she intercepted the missile and changed its program to assult its
- own makers, but it later went astray and now she is the only hope in
- stopping it. So Torres volunteers to transport to the missile's interior
- and reprogram it again. But, before she can detonate the warhead, the
- onboard computer tries to destroy her.
- Death Wish
- A rebel Q (Gerrit Graham) escapes imprisonment from inside a comet and
- demands asylum aboard the U.S.S. Voyager. Just as quickly, the well-known Q
- (John de Lancie), arrives to force the escaped Q back to the Continuum.
- Noting the dictates of Starfleet protocol, Captain Janeway holds a hearing
- to consider the request for asylum. A courtroom drama ensues when Q (de
- Lancie) calls himself to the witness stand along with a varied group of
- people, including Commander William T. Riker, to defend the Q Continuum
- against the ever-logical Tuvok.
- Lifesigns
- The U.S.S. Voyager detects a distress call from a weakened lifeform aboard
- a small spacecraft and quickly beams a deathly ill Viidian female to
- Sickbay. The Doctor starts treating her for advanced stages of the Phage by
- transferring her decaying body into stasis and creating a temporary,
- healthy holographic program of her being. As he becomes acquainted with the
- alien, a hematologist named Danara Pel, the Doctor's adaptive programming
- allows him to experience romantic feelings.
- Investigations
- Neelix, a suddenly self-proclaimed journalist, hears a rumor that a fellow
- crew member has expressed displeasure with Starfleet and requested leave.
- Soon, Tom Paris is relieved of duty to become a pilot with a Talaxian
- convoy -- leaving a saddened Voyager crew behind. Almost immediately, the
- Kazon-Nistim and the scheming Seska attack the Talaxian fleet, kidnap Paris
- and attempt to coerce classified information from him. Meanwhile, Neelix
- suspects someone aboard Voyager has been secretly communicating with the
- Kazon and his sleuthing leads him directly to Paris.
- Deadlock
- When the U.S.S. Voyager enters plasma cloud, while being pursued by Vidiian
- vessels, a series of astounding consequences occur. Before the ship is able
- to clear the cloud, the engines stall, anti-matter supplies begin to drain,
- and Proton bursts causing significant casualties and a hull breach. Without
- warning, Ensign Kim and Kes disappear into a mysterious void in space and
- Captain Janeway discovers a duplicate U.S.S. Voyager and crew in a parallel
- universe.
- While the U.S.S. Voyager crew contends with the most significant disaster
- to befall on the vessel, Captain Janeway discovers that a divergence field
- has caused all sensor readings to double and every particle on the ship to
- duplicate but there is still not enough anti-matter to sustain both
- vessels. When the Vidiians begin to close in, the two Janeways meet to
- determine a solution, knowing that only one of the two ships can survive.
- Innocence
- Tuvok and Bennet's shuttle crash lands on a sacred haven for the Drayan, an
- alien race which has shunned outside contact for decades. While Bennet lies
- dying from his injuries, three frightened Drayan children venture out from
- hiding. The young ones tell Tuvok that they have been abandoned by their
- people to die on the planet, and beg his help in saving them from the
- imminent arrival of the "morrok" -- the messenger of death.
- The Thaw
- The U.S.S. Voyager activates an automated message from members of the Kohl
- settlement who, years earlier, survived an environmental catastrophe by
- submitting themselves into artificial hibernation. When the crew transports
- the Kohl's hibernation pods on board, they find humanoids in deep stasis
- with suppressed metabolic activity -- but with active minds and complex
- sensory systems controlled by a computer -- and that is where the nightmare
- begins.
- Symbiogenesis
- A bizarre occurrence causes Neelix and Tuvok, who are attempting to
- transport back to the U.S.S. Voyager from an away mission, to arrive aboard
- ship as one. The crew is astonished when a strange but oddly familiar alien
- humanoid with dark speckled skin and pointy ears -- which is neither Tuvok
- nor Neelix -- appears. The Doctor's bio-scanner shows that Neelix and
- Tuvok's patterns have merged, causing the pair to become one entity --
- Tuvix -- a humor-filled, logic defying fusion of the two crewmen.
- Resolutions
- When Janeway and Chakotay contract a deadly virus from an insect bite, the
- Doctor cannot find a cure. Unable to perform her duties, Janeway is forced
- to turn over permanent command of the ship to Tuvok and retreat, with
- Chakotay, to a small planet which shields the effects of the fatal disease.
- Basics, Part I
- In an emergency message to Chakotay, Seska discloses that their newborn son
- has been banished by Culluh to a servant colony. Chakotay feels conflicted
- about rescuing the baby because he was manipulated into fatherhood by
- Seska. When the crew detects a distress signal from a Kazon shuttle, they
- transport aboard the critically injured Teirna, a former aide to Seska, who
- delivers the news that Culluh has killed Seska. So, with Teirna restricted
- to secured quarters, the U.S.S. Voyager heads on a rescue mission through
- Kazon-Nistrim territory where Kazon raiders viciously attack the ship.
- Before long, the fierce battle is over and the Voyager crew has lost --
- outwitted by their most bitter foe. Surrounded and defenseless, Captain
- Janeway must give up the ship to the Kazon.
- ]-------------------------| VOYAGER SEASON 3 |-------------------------[
- Basics, Part II
- With Voyager in the hands of the Kazon, Janeway must find someway to
- retrieve her ship.Part two of two.
- Flashback
- After coming down with a mysterious ailment, Tuvok has visions back to his
- days when he served on a starship under the famous Captain Sulu.
- The Chute
- Kim and Paris are falsely accused of committing acts of terrorism and are
- both incarcerated in a horrific alien prison.
- The Swarm
- As Voyager prepares to cross through the territory of an unknown but feared
- race, the Doctor finds himself with a major problem.
- Sacred Ground
- When Kes gets in trouble on an away mission, it is up to Janeway to do
- whatever she can to save her.
- False Profits
- The Voyager crew encounter the two Ferengi that were lost in the Delta
- Quadrant when the Barzan Wormhole turned out to be unstable.
- Remember
- An old woman uses her telepathic powers to transfer her memories into
- B'lanna before she dies as a warning to the younger generation not to make
- the mistakes they did.
- Future's End, Part I
- After being attacked by a ship from the future, the Voyager crew find
- themselves on 20th Century Earth. Part one of two.
- Future's End, Part II
- The crew must prevent a leading 20th Century industrialist from destroying
- the future. Part two of two.
- The Q and Grey
- With the Q Continuum thrown into civil war following the death of Quinn, Q
- arrives on the ship with a proposition for Janeway.
- Warlord
- When an alien warrior dies on Voyager, he manages to take over Kes in an
- attempt to see his plans of conquest through.
- Macrocosm
- The ship is overwhelmed by a strange gelatinous lifeform and Janeway is
- forced into the conduit to elude the alien form while the Doctor on his
- first away mission attempts to find a solution.
- Fair Trade
- An old friend of Neelix tricks him into shipping some illegal narcotics
- which gets the Voyager crew into some difficulty.
- Alter Ego
- [No Details Yet]
- Coda
- [No Details Yet]
- Blood Fever
- One of the Vulcan crewmembers enters Pon Farr, the ferocious Vulcan mating
- phase.
- Unity
- The Voyager crew come up against the Federations greatest threat, the Borg.
- Rise
- [No Details Yet]
- Darkling
- [No Details Yet]
- ]------------------| STARTREK VOYAGER EPISODE GUIDE |------------------[